Pre-buy question: How can I get steering wheel angle and throttle position?

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Pre-buy question: How can I get steering wheel angle and throttle position?

Post by atanasd »


I want to receive real-time information about the angle of the steering wheel and the throttle position of a Nissan Leaf 2017 with as little latency as possible.
Is there a Freematics Product that will easily allow me to do that?

P.S. - The idea is to use the car as a stationary game controller.

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Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:51 am

Re: Pre-buy question: How can I get steering wheel angle and throttle position?

Post by HonkMcFunk »


I'm currently playing around with the FreematicsOne+.
As far as I can tell, you can (in theory) get every attribute, that your car provides via OBD. Especially the throttle postion is a standard value in OBD (to my knowledge).
(Do electric cars have a throttle ?!? :?: I think you could also use pedal postion, for example.)

1. I think your car actually has to be ON. I don't know if the Nissan Leave will tell you those values (or anything) if the car isn't really running (what would be a little difficult, if you just want to controll a video game).
2. Specific values like the steering wheel position are probably not ready implemented. If you feel confident with researching and playing around with the OBD messages, the Freematics enables you to retrieve all kinds of messages. (ONE or ONE+ shouldn't really matter here.)
I would recomend you, to first research, which attributes your car provides via OBD and under which circumstances
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