One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

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One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by alisarwar »

I am quite new at this and maybe am doing something wrong. Here is the problem.

I just got my One+ and was trying to Build and Upload the telelogger sketch (v5) using the arduino builder 1.0.2
Well whenever I click the com port on the builder, nothing happens. There are no messages on the black screen portion of the builder.
When I try the datalogger sketch than it works just fine. I tried tanother sketch telelogger_compact_sim800 and even this compiles and than is uploaded successfully.

I tried lots of different combinations on Baud rate, frequency MHz, and even the config of the sketch but it doesnt work, the screen remains blank.

Need your help

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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by stanley »

Are you using default config?
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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by alisarwar »

Yes I am using default config.
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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by stanley »

This looks like a UI bug (Javascript) but I just can't reproduce this on my end.
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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by EnamulQU »

Hi Stanley,
I am facing exactly same problem. There is no sign of life in the console in case of telelogger example. Please suggest what should I do to work around the problem.
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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by vk5bd »

Hello Stanley,

I have been helping a friend with using the Freematics One+ and can confirm I had the same situation, when trying to program the Freematic after pressing the "COM3" button the output area of Audino Builder simply goes black and nothing further happens. It only occurred when trying to compile and program the Telelogger option.

I end up using PlatformIO to program the Freematics, and then able to open the com port with the Audino Builder and watch the output of the Freematics.

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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by stanley »

I believe this bug has been fixed in 1.0.5.
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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by vk5bd »

Hello Stanley,

I will double check soon as I can get back to that PC, but it was using the latest version of Arduino Builder downloaded on the 18/11/2017 so pretty sure it was version 1.0.5, I hadn't noticed the version difference on this thread when looking for help at that time.

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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by mgnz »

I had the issue outlined in the 1.0.5 build but managed to correct itself.

Problem I’m having now is the upload looks complete but returns “error code: 1”

Any ideas here Stanley?

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Re: One+ Telelogger sketch on Arduino Builder 1.0.2

Post by stanley »

How did you fix that?
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