Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

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Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by AvanStiphout »

Hi there,

I purchased a Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition. Configured and installed telelogger. Tested it with a data sim and a power pack. Able to get a GPS signal if I position the device close to the window. I set up Home Assistant with Traccar plug in. The device is able to connect to the Traccor plugin and update its location.

However, when positioned in the car, there is never a GPS lock even after an extended drive. The device is under the dashboard, about 30 cms away from the side of the car, but not close to a window. I am not familiar with the location of the OBD port in other car brands, but I suspect this is quite common. I tried lowering the base clock of the device to 80 MHz, but this didn't solve the issue.

As I primarily want to use the device to track my car via Traccar, the device is inoperable in this state. What can I do to address this? I have seen other users suggest using an OBD extension cable and place the device on the dashboard (rather than under it), but while functional this is not very esthetically pleasing (and will likely not lead to approval of my significant other :D)

Would an external GPS connected to the Molex connector solve the problem? If so, which GPS can you recommend?
Any other suggestions to solve this problem?

Many thanks in advance!
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by stanley »

What if you place it on dashboard?
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by AvanStiphout »

Placing it on the dashboard will likely work, however I am bit worried that my better half (i.e. my wife) will not be too happy with that (as the device itself is quite bulky).

Is it possible to connect a (small?) external GPS (or antenna) to the Molex connector, and use this one instead? Anything you can recommend?

Thanks again!
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by stanley »

Yes, you can purchase our external GNSS receiver to use with the device.
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by AvanStiphout »

Thanks for your response.

I assume you're referring to this external GPS: ... duct_id=55

Would you happen to know how long the cable is (with MOLEX connector)? From the pictures it looks like it's not longer than ~25 cm.
What would the maximum length of the cable be?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by Turamarth »

I have this device also but i cant get any gps data in any case, also did the cpu clock at 80 mhz but don't work.
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by stanley »

Poor open sky exposure maybe the cause. Try relocating the device somewhere else.
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by AvanStiphout »


Most OBD ports are located quite a bit away from the window or from any decent open air exposure as I am sure you know. Relocating the device will likely work, but it kind of defeats the purpose for the device as designed. An OBD-extender cable will work but is not esthetically pleasing as not everybody wants to have a bulky device lying around on the dashboard.

I am considering an external GPS connected to the external I/O socket and placing this discretely on the dashboard: ... duct_id=55

Can you advise what the maximum length of this cable is?

Thank you!
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by Turamarth »

if the issue is we need a cable to extend, or a external antenna, then this device is useful to us.
how can be a device that plugs inside need to be outside to work?
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Re: Freematics ONE+ Traccar Edition - NO GPS Signal in Car

Post by AvanStiphout »

Hi Stanley,

A response from you would really help.

I am considering an external GPS connected to the external I/O socket and placing this discretely on the dashboard: ... duct_id=55

Can you advise what the maximum length of this cable is?

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