I can run the exemple Code I got with the OBD library if I use a MEGA or UNO. But for a reason i don't get yet, the Arduino IDE wont compile if i choose Teensy 3.5
the only parts that seems to not working, is the one that suppose to read the DTC
... this parts...
unsigned int codes[6];
byte dtcCount = obd.readDTC(codes, 6); // this line is over surlined
if (dtcCount == 0) {
mySerial.println("No DTC");
} else {
mySerial.print(" DTC:");
for (byte n = 0; n < dtcCount; n++) {
mySerial.print(' ');
mySerial.print(codes[n], HEX);
and it return me this:
no matching function for call to 'COBD::readDTC(unsigned int[6], int)'
all the other function i try with Teensy works but not this one
anybody can help???