I am able to upload sketches in Arduino IDE fine. PlatformIO also work. I even tried AVRdude manually and it works if i use special reset procedure. I can also use tools like QMK toolbox ok.
But with Arduino Builder I have trouble . I get stuck on "Forcing reset using using 1200bps open/close on com4". I see the LED on the board blink every second or so for about 10 seconds and then get a message "no new port found".
Its not able to reset the board to get to the bootloader. Device manager does not refresh in the process so I know its not resetting.
If I go to command prompt and type: mode COM4 baud=1200 parity=n data=8 stop=1 the system does reset the port correctly and i see device manager react to the reset and it stays in dfu mode for 2-3 seconds and then it goes to normal mode.
Is there some bug in the reset code? I am using versions 1.0.13.