AT Commands problem

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AT Commands problem

Post by daniel.vilela »

Hi, i recently aquired a OBDII Emulator and i am trying to use it without the GUI.

But i had some doubts in the commands as well some things didn't work.. Don't know if i am doint it wrong.

The documentation says (with no example at all):

ATSET [PID]=[Value]

Function: setting the value of an OBD-II PID
PID: a 4-digit HEX number specifying an OBD-II PID
Value£º the value of the OBD-II-PID
Response: OK or Error


Function: retrieving the current value of an OBD-II PID
Argument: a 4-digit HEX number specifying an OBD-II PID
Response: The raw HEX data of the requested OBD-II PID

Well.. All PIDs are returning 00 00, and if i set a PID, it still returns 00 00.. Here is an example of my use:
010C=00 00
010C=00 00

I tried with 000C too.. Actually i did it first.. Cause "PID" as far as i know stands for service $01 (the other ones are TID, INFOTYPES and so on)..
As i saw in examples here in te forum, it might be the service the first two numbers, is it correct? (if it is, should be on the documentation).

And is i use PID 0067 (or 0167) the system crashes.. (and sends me a lot of 00s ).

Hope you can help, thanks.
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Re: AT Commands problem

Post by stanley »

The value of PIDs are in decimal instead of HEX. So it should be like this:

Code: Select all

ATSET 010C=3000
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Re: AT Commands problem

Post by jochen »

Hi Daniel,

I like to do the same like you.

I like to built a sequence of commands to simulate a vehicle.

It is possible that you could share the first 2 lines.

I have not get the response to work yet, I use COM 15 as this seems to be the one to work, with the 38400 as baud rate.

Means the ATR ATZ and ATGET works, but ATSET does not.... only receive error..

Regards Jochen
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:14 pm

Re: AT Commands problem

Post by daniel.vilela »

Hi jochen,

use a serial sniffer, to see the communication between the GUI and the computer.

I used this one:

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