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Freematics One+ Model B: Issues with Bluetooth, WiFi, and Data Format

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:46 pm
by vsinghce
Dear Forum Members

I’m currently working with the Freematics One+ Model B device. I’ve configured the OBD device and uploaded the sample code for the telelogger from Firmware V5, which is available on the Freematics GitHub repository. However, my research team and I are facing several issues that we need help with:

(i) We’re having trouble connecting the device to the Freematics app on an Android smartphone (Android Version 11). We’ve granted all necessary permissions and changed the BLE flag from 0 to 1 in the config file, but the connection still fails.
(ii) The device is not connecting to the Freematics Personal Hub Application on Windows 10, even though we’ve set up the device’s WiFi as required.
(ii) The data collected during field trials and stored on the SD card does not include a header or timestamp. We’re unsure if the data is valid and whether this is the expected format.

These issues are critical for our research, and we would greatly appreciate any assistance or suggestions. I’ve attached the screenshot of sample data from the SD card.
