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Freematics connecting to incompatible network on roaming card

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:19 am
by Tenou
Hey everyone,

I recently received my first ever Freematics One+ with the SIM7070G module.
I purchased a SIM card from simbase.

Simbase supports multiple operators in my country, Germany, like O2, E-Plus and Vodafone.
Nine times out of ten, I'm being connected to the Vodafone network, however according to simbase, only O2 supports LTE-M in my country.
Therefore, any attempt to transmit data over the Vodafone network results in a timeout.

I only have a very limited understanding of programming, and an even more limited understanding of how this SIM7070G works.

I tried limiting the bands as well as manually configuring O2 as the prefered operator in the library, however with no success.

Code: Select all

I have already ordered SIM cards from other providers in the area to test out, but ultimately, I'd love for this one to work due to the great price/performance ratio of their service.

Re: Freematics connecting to incompatible network on roaming card

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:49 am
by Tenou
I have received two more SIM cards, one from DTAG, one from Vodafone.

Behaviour for both cards is a loop of the following (obv. with differing APNs):

Code: Select all

[CELL] Activating...
[CELL] Searching...
[Redacted BUF & GPS messages]

+CGREG: 0,0


+CGREG: 0,0

Both cards are supporting the LTE Cat-M1 & NB-IoT networks.

Re: Freematics connecting to incompatible network on roaming card

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:41 am
by Tenou
I have disabled the OBD connection (#define ENABLE_OBD 0) for as long as I'm testing in my office. Since, I assume, the device doesn't go into standby after three OBD comm failures, it allows to better test the cell connection.

Disregarding the buffer-messages, the current behaviour consists of a single

Code: Select all

[CELL] Activating...
message, followed by a

Code: Select all

[CELL] No supported module
message roughly 70 seconds later, then repeat.

This behaviour is consistent across all four SIMs I have available to me, three of which are exclusively LTE-M/NBIoT, whilst the fourth one supports a multitude of standards, including LTE-M.

Full output:

Code: Select all

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805f0
ACC BIAS:-0.02/-0.01/1.01
SD:15176 MB total, 1 MB used
File: /DATA/157.CSV
[CELL] Activating...
[BUF] 2 samples | 24 bytes | 1/32
[BUF] 8 samples | 96 bytes | 4/32
[BUF] 14 samples | 168 bytes | 7/32
[BUF] 20 samples | 240 bytes | 10/32
[BUF] 24 samples | 288 bytes | 12/32
[BUF] 28 samples | 336 bytes | 14/32
[BUF] 32 samples | 384 bytes | 16/32
[BUF] 36 samples | 432 bytes | 18/32
[BUF] 40 samples | 480 bytes | 20/32
[BUF] 44 samples | 528 bytes | 22/32
[BUF] 48 samples | 576 bytes | 24/32
[BUF] 52 samples | 624 bytes | 26/32
[BUF] 56 samples | 672 bytes | 28/32
[BUF] 60 samples | 720 bytes | 30/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[CELL] No supported module
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[CELL] Activating...
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[CELL] No supported module
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[CELL] Activating...
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
[BUF] 64 samples | 768 bytes | 32/32
Stationary for 180 secs

Re: Freematics connecting to incompatible network on roaming card

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:29 pm
by stanley
Disabling OBD and cellular module not being recognized was caused by a bug and is now fixed in the latest code.

Re: Freematics connecting to incompatible network on roaming card

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:42 pm
by terassda
ou can use FreematicsOBD function

Code: Select all

readPID(byte pid, ind& result)
It will take PID as argument. Alternatively you can look into the source code (FreematocsOBD.cpp) of this function and tweak it to send your message and wait for the answer.

Re: Freematics connecting to incompatible network on roaming card

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 2:38 pm
by jesse99
Ensure that LTE-M coverage is available in your area for the specific network operator you want to use (O2 purble place in your case). You can check network coverage maps provided by O2 or consult with simbase for accurate coverage information.