Freematic IDE and ESP32 OBD Kit
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 10:41 pm
I am new to audino and freeematics. I have a Freematics OBD kit with ESP32. I am trying to load a wifi sketch so I can communicate with OBD wirelessly. Looks like it compiles without problem, but results in an "error linking:
Here is the sketch:
I have configured the WiFiConfig.h with the correct credentials
. This is the IDE response:
Additionally the following is my IDE basic settings:
I have alos suspended the virus software during compile
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I am new to audino and freeematics. I have a Freematics OBD kit with ESP32. I am trying to load a wifi sketch so I can communicate with OBD wirelessly. Looks like it compiles without problem, but results in an "error linking:
Here is the sketch:
Code: Select all
#include "WiFi.h" // ESP32 WiFi include
#include "WiFiConfig.h" // My WiFi configuration.
void ConnectToWiFi()
WiFi.begin(SSID, WiFiPassword);
Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(SSID);
uint8_t i = 0;
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
if ((++i % 16) == 0)
Serial.println(F(" still trying to connect"));
Serial.print(F("Connected. My IP address is: "));
I have configured the WiFiConfig.h with the correct credentials
. This is the IDE response:
Build Target: ESP32 (MCU: esp32 @ 240Mhz)
Library path: hardware/arduino/esp32/libraries/WiFi/src
Referenced libraries: [WiFi]
Compiling wifi.ino.cpp...
Using pre-compiled core file
Compiling library [WiFi]...
Processing hardware/arduino/esp32/libraries/WiFi/src
Compiling ETH.cpp...
Compiling WiFi.cpp...
Compiling WiFiAP.cpp...
Compiling WiFiClient.cpp...
Compiling WiFiGeneric.cpp...
Compiling WiFiMulti.cpp...
Compiling WiFiScan.cpp...
Compiling WiFiServer.cpp...
Compiling WiFiSTA.cpp...
Compiling WiFiUdp.cpp...
Linking all objects...
Error linking objects.
Additionally the following is my IDE basic settings:
I have alos suspended the virus software during compile
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks