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Write Text on the Mega Kit 3,5" Display

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:54 am
by mrphil

I try to make a simple Software, with the Mega Kit Hardware.
-Arduino MEGA
-Freematics 3.5" LCD Touch Shield for Arduino MEGA

Unfortunately i am lost in the first Phase.
Write Text on the Display. :oops:

The uploaded MegaloggerHD Sketch, from freematics works.
When i upload my own Code, nothing appears on the Display.

#include <MultiLCD.h>

LCD_R61581 lcd; /* 3.5" CTE35IPS/R61581 based LCD */
//LCD_SSD1289 lcd;

void setup() { // S E T U P

void loop() { // L O O P

lcd.setCursor(110, 14);

I try to figure out, what Pins the SSD1289 Display Unit need for Communication.

With the 16*2 Displays, that i know, it is needed to be declare the Pins, that are connected to the Display.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

In the MegaloggerHD Code, and in the used Library's, i can't find this Information.

And the Link to the Datasheet in the Store, is broken. ... duct_id=70

Please Help