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Decoding logging data

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:12 am
by 06T200

I am using the megaloggerHD kit, all has worked great for me to get it setup and working. I am still a bit new to the Arduino/telematics stuff, and just going through the logs, to make sure I understand the data.

Here is a snippet of one log, with my notes as to what I am looking at.

#524041,10C,817 (RPM)
44,10D,0 (Veh speed)
24,111,14 (throttle position)
3,104,40 (engine load)
625,10C,821 (rpm)
15,10D,0 (Veh speed)
22,111,14 (throttle position)
2,104,39 (engine load)
157,105,80 (coolant temp)
601,10C,813 (etc...)

It seems like the first fields is a counter, the PID id is in the second field, I know 0C and 0D are RPM and speed PIDs, so I assume these are matches.
The first field seems to be the seconds since the last recorded event as noted on the developers guide on the site.
So sifting through the log, I follow the vehicle speed and watch my speed, and noting it is recorded about once every 14 seconds.

Just making sure I grasp the logged data correctly, if I have anything way off, please correct me, as I am still learning!
I would like to eventually log more OBD PID's as I go.