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Datalogger and BLE Access

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:42 pm
by vk5bd
Hello Everyone,

Has anyone had any luck or advice on setting up the Freematics ONE+ as a datalogger and then retrieving the data via the Bluetooth connection.

I have tried the Telelogger sketch but have not been able to find a Bluetooth connection from a windows 10 laptop, it is possible I have not set it up correctly, I had to use PlatformIO to program the Freematics ONE+, and afterwards when I opened the com port using the Audino Builder I just seem to see a lot of ":0" with a few :1 upto :4 thrown if for good measure, I have not yet tried to work out what they mean.

Atleast when I loaded the Datalogger sketch into the Freematics ONE+ I was seeing an output about how many samples had been written to the SD card.

Any advice greatly appreciated
