Freematics ONE BLE advertised name
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:46 pm
Is there any way to change the advertised name of the BLE module mounted in Freematics One? I haven't found any reference of what firmware is running on the BLE chip but sometimes there are configuration modes available in UART-BL/BLE bridges so I decided to ask... and the reason for this is that if I have many Freematics One devices nearby it will be harder to distinguish them from each other.
Is there any way to change the advertised name of the BLE module mounted in Freematics One? I haven't found any reference of what firmware is running on the BLE chip but sometimes there are configuration modes available in UART-BL/BLE bridges so I decided to ask... and the reason for this is that if I have many Freematics One devices nearby it will be harder to distinguish them from each other.