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Adapter turning off unexpectedly (urgent)

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:28 pm
by origabai
As a foreword, this is my first time dealing with an Arduino or the OBD adapter, so please excuse my considerate ignorance.

* The Setup *

I have a solution involving an adapter unit connected to an Arduino which is in turn connected to (and powered by) an Intel NUC powered by the car through a 12v/19v converter.

The gyro is connected to 2 control pins on the Arduino, and to the Ground pin (but not the 5V pin).

The Arduino is running a sketch combining watered-down versions of a gyro-direction sketch and a odb-speed sketch.

* The Problem *

When I connect everything and power things up, everything is fine. The ODB adapter power light turns on, and then the led indicators for data processing/transfer start blinking. However, sometimes the OBD adapter simply appears to power down after a couple of minutes - all LEDs go dark. The Arduino remains powered on.

* Further Information *

I've tried swapping out the Arduino and the OBD adapter (I have several of each), with no change in result. The adapter shuts down, the Arduino stays on.

I've tried connecting the whole setup in a lab environment: the gyro to a Freematics OBD emulator plugged into a wall socket, and the NUC connected to a 12v power inverter. The problem still happened.

I've tried swapping out the NUC to which the Arduino is connected. At first I noticed that some NUCs didn't have the problem, and some did. I even tried dumping an image from a "good" NUC to a "bad" one, and this seemed to solve. This baffled me, because the OBD adapter is not powered from the NUC/Arduino side, but from the CAN-Bus side. However, recently my original "good" NUC (i.e., the one that didn't experience the problem, and from which I created the image) started experiencing the problem. So I am back to square one.

Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated, and as soon as possible, since we are on quite the tight schedule with this solution.

Thanks. :!:

Re: Adapter turning off unexpectedly (urgent)

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:28 pm
by prokium
Did u solved your problem? i think i have kind of same problem.