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J1850 VPW

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:31 am
by cea97
I have the V2 adapter for use with a mega 2560. I've managed to get my program to work great with a few vehicles. I get that the protocol J1850 VPW is not supported as you have said several times in this forum. What I didn't know at the time was the vehicle I planned to use this with was J1850VPW. I know that software can't be added to make the adapter work but why does it not work with J1850 VPW technically? This protocol uses pin 2 in the obd plug and I noticed that pin 2 is not connected to the board in the V2 adapter. Could I solder pin 2 in the adapter then define that pin somehow in the obd.h file to make it work? Or are there other board connections/software mods that need to be made to get it to read from this protocol?