I was just wondering if the Megalogger sketch would/should work with an Arduino Due.
I've had the sketch running absolutely fine on my Mega 2560 for a while now and have just received an Arduino Due which I believed to be pin compatible with the Mega 2560.
Trying the sketch on the due results in "No SD Card" and lcd.clear() doesn't seem to work correctly.
I realise that Megalogger is specifically designed for the Mega 2560 / ADK but was just wondering if this is expected behaviour or if my Due is faulty in some way that's all.
Would be nice to run it on on the Due with the extra memory available and it's way faster too.
Kit #3 and Arduino Due
Re: Kit #3 and Arduino Due
You need a level shifter to convert OBD-II adapter's voltage to 3.3V.