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Kit #3 on 2001 Honda Accord

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:32 pm
by serk1
Hi, I recently ordered a Kit #3. Board is ADK, GPS is G7020, OBD2 is Model B, Wireless is BLE.

The MegaLogger sketch from github compiled and I loaded it onto the Arduino. I think all of the config.h definitions are correct.
LCD_SSD1289 lcd

When I plug the kit into my car, I get a screen with OBD [check], ACC [check], GPS [--] which lasts for a second or so and then the kit resets and shows the same thing in a loop. I assume the GPS isn't ready because the system keeps resetting.

Any idea what is going wrong?

Re: Kit #3 on 2001 Honda Accord

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:36 pm
by stanley
Does the screen show "Reconnecting"?

Re: Kit #3 on 2001 Honda Accord

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:04 am
by serk1
No, it would just show the status. I installed the most recent version from github on 11/16 and it seems to be working better now. There are still random resets occasionally but it runs for a minute or two between each one.

Re: Kit #3 on 2001 Honda Accord

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:39 am
by serk1
Hi, I'm using the kit on a 2003 Accord now and it is working much better. I have a couple of more questions though:

1: What is the behavior of the kit supposed to be between car starts? When I plug the kit into the OBD2 port initially, it detects I2C and starts logging. When I turn the car off, the kit stays on for about 30 seconds and then the screen goes blank (but the back light stays on). Later when I start the car again, the screen stays blank. It seems the only way to get the kit logging again is to unplug and then plug back in the OBD2 adapter. I would think that the correct behavior would be for the kit to start back up once the car is started again. Is there a way to adjust the code to detect when the car turns on and then re-initialize the kit?

2: I see the GPS time (PID 10) is logged often, but the date (PID 11) is not in any of the log files. Since the files are all timestamped as 1 January 2000, I don't see how to know the date of any events. Could you make the date be added to the log file occasionally or at the beginning of the file?

Minor bug: Sometimes I see an altitude of around 65k on the display (I should be around sea level). When the GPS corrects, the last two digits are not overwritten with spaces on the display.

Re: Kit #3 on 2001 Honda Accord

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:59 pm
by stanley
1. This happens on some cars, as the reconnecting does not suceeded. You may need to debug to see which operation blocks.
2. Originally I would like to apply the date to the file attribute but I didn't find way to do this via Arduino's SD library. You can add logging for date and it's just about adding 1 line in the code (same as logging time). ;-)
3. Your reported bug will be fixed.

Re: Kit #3 on 2001 Honda Accord

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:15 pm
by stanley
Just commited a code update, the GPS date info is now logged when it's changing.