Compiling errors
Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:21 am
First my apologies for not been too smart with this equipment. Im learning, (tough at 60+) and enjoying it immensely.
When I go to load the .ino file into my unit I get the following errors. I have loaded the blink sketch and it works just fine. The green LED is on.
I load the sketch the same way although the Emulator is much more complex. When I click on compile the following error text appears. Im sure its me and again I admit to not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Yes it is hard to reach old dogs new tricks I suppose.
Can someone help me out here please.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.
Arduino: 1.0.6 (Mac OS X), Board: "Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK"
In file included from megalogger.ino:20:
config.h:67: error: 'LCD_SSD1289' does not name a type
megalogger:45: error: 'TinyGPS' does not name a type
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_ENGINE_LOAD' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_THROTTLE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:59: error: 'PID_INTAKE_MAP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:59: error: 'PID_MAF_FLOW' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:59: error: 'PID_TIMING_ADVANCE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_COOLANT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_INTAKE_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_AMBIENT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_ENGINE_FUEL_RATE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:67: error: expected class-name before ',' token
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::setup()':
megalogger:81: error: 'MPU6050_init' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:97: error: 'PROTO_AUTO' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:117: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::loop()':
megalogger:144: error: 'isValidPID' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:149: error: 'getVoltage' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:150: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:150: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:158: error: 'isValidPID' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:169: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:169: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:179: error: 'errors' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:184: error: 'gps' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'bool COBDLogger::checkSD()':
megalogger:200: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:202: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::dataIdleLoop()':
megalogger:267: error: 'getState' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:267: error: 'OBD_CONNECTED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:272: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:272: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::processGPS()':
megalogger:284: error: 'gps' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:293: error: 'gps' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:309: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:309: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::processAccelerometer()':
megalogger:340: error: 'accel_t_gyro_union' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:340: error: expected `;' before 'data'
megalogger:341: error: 'data' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:341: error: 'MPU6050_readout' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:343: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:343: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:365: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::logOBDData(byte)':
megalogger:386: error: 'OBD_RECV_BUF_SIZE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:391: error: 'sendQuery' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:393: error: 'getResult' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:404: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:409: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:409: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:427: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:427: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::showECUCap()':
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_THROTTLE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_ENGINE_LOAD' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_MAF_FLOW' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_INTAKE_MAP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_FUEL_LEVEL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_FUEL_PRESSURE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_COOLANT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_INTAKE_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_AMBIENT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_TIMING_ADVANCE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_BAROMETRIC' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:447: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:447: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:452: error: 'isValidPID' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:453: error: 'RGB16_GREEN' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:453: error: 'RGB16_RED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:455: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::reconnect()':
megalogger:463: error: 'uninit' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:464: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:465: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: 'getState' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: 'OBD_CONNECTED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: 'errors' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: could not convert 'init()' to 'bool'
megalogger:474: error: in argument to unary !
megalogger:478: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:478: error: 'read' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::showStates()':
megalogger:499: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:499: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:503: error: 'RGB16_GREEN' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:503: error: 'RGB16_RED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:505: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::setColorByValue(int, int, int, int)':
megalogger:530: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:530: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:533: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:536: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:538: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::showSensorData(byte, int)':
megalogger:545: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:546: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:546: error: 'FONT_SIZE_XLARGE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:552: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:559: error: 'PID_THROTTLE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:560: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:566: error: 'PID_ENGINE_LOAD' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:573: error: 'PID_ENGINE_FUEL_RATE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:579: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:579: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::initScreen()':
megalogger:583: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:592: error: 'RGB16_CYAN' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:593: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:641: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In function 'void setup()':
megalogger:664: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:665: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:669: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:684: error: 'class COBDLogger' has no member named 'begin'
First my apologies for not been too smart with this equipment. Im learning, (tough at 60+) and enjoying it immensely.
When I go to load the .ino file into my unit I get the following errors. I have loaded the blink sketch and it works just fine. The green LED is on.
I load the sketch the same way although the Emulator is much more complex. When I click on compile the following error text appears. Im sure its me and again I admit to not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Yes it is hard to reach old dogs new tricks I suppose.
Can someone help me out here please.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.
Arduino: 1.0.6 (Mac OS X), Board: "Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK"
In file included from megalogger.ino:20:
config.h:67: error: 'LCD_SSD1289' does not name a type
megalogger:45: error: 'TinyGPS' does not name a type
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_ENGINE_LOAD' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:58: error: 'PID_THROTTLE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:59: error: 'PID_INTAKE_MAP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:59: error: 'PID_MAF_FLOW' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:59: error: 'PID_TIMING_ADVANCE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_COOLANT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_INTAKE_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_AMBIENT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:60: error: 'PID_ENGINE_FUEL_RATE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:67: error: expected class-name before ',' token
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::setup()':
megalogger:81: error: 'MPU6050_init' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:97: error: 'PROTO_AUTO' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:117: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::loop()':
megalogger:144: error: 'isValidPID' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:149: error: 'getVoltage' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:150: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:150: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:158: error: 'isValidPID' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:169: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:169: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:179: error: 'errors' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:184: error: 'gps' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'bool COBDLogger::checkSD()':
megalogger:200: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:202: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::dataIdleLoop()':
megalogger:267: error: 'getState' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:267: error: 'OBD_CONNECTED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:272: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:272: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::processGPS()':
megalogger:284: error: 'gps' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:293: error: 'gps' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:309: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:309: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::processAccelerometer()':
megalogger:340: error: 'accel_t_gyro_union' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:340: error: expected `;' before 'data'
megalogger:341: error: 'data' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:341: error: 'MPU6050_readout' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:343: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:343: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:365: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::logOBDData(byte)':
megalogger:386: error: 'OBD_RECV_BUF_SIZE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:391: error: 'sendQuery' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:393: error: 'getResult' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:404: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:409: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:409: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:427: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:427: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::showECUCap()':
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_THROTTLE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_ENGINE_LOAD' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_MAF_FLOW' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_INTAKE_MAP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_FUEL_LEVEL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_FUEL_PRESSURE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_COOLANT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_INTAKE_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_AMBIENT_TEMP' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_TIMING_ADVANCE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:444: error: 'PID_BAROMETRIC' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:447: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:447: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:452: error: 'isValidPID' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:453: error: 'RGB16_GREEN' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:453: error: 'RGB16_RED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:455: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::reconnect()':
megalogger:463: error: 'uninit' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:464: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:465: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: 'getState' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: 'OBD_CONNECTED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: 'errors' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:474: error: could not convert 'init()' to 'bool'
megalogger:474: error: in argument to unary !
megalogger:478: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:478: error: 'read' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::showStates()':
megalogger:499: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:499: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:503: error: 'RGB16_GREEN' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:503: error: 'RGB16_RED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:505: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::setColorByValue(int, int, int, int)':
megalogger:530: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:530: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:533: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:536: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:538: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::showSensorData(byte, int)':
megalogger:545: error: 'PID_RPM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:546: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:546: error: 'FONT_SIZE_XLARGE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:552: error: 'PID_SPEED' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:559: error: 'PID_THROTTLE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:560: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:566: error: 'PID_ENGINE_LOAD' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:573: error: 'PID_ENGINE_FUEL_RATE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:579: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:579: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In member function 'void COBDLogger::initScreen()':
megalogger:583: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:592: error: 'RGB16_CYAN' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:593: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:641: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger.ino: In function 'void setup()':
megalogger:664: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:665: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:669: error: 'RGB16_WHITE' was not declared in this scope
megalogger:684: error: 'class COBDLogger' has no member named 'begin'