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Bug when typing values

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:36 pm
by DonL
The default RPM is 1000. If I use the + and - all is OK, however if I highlight the 1000 and type in 500, the GUI shows 500 but the diagnostic tool reads 50
If I tap + the GUI goes to 501 and the diagnostic tool also jumps to 501

I also find that I can not paste a VIN, I have to type it out. Pasting would be nice since the GUI or emulator does not remeber last values. It would be nice to have the GUI read an ini or xml file and load lat set values, then when you connect, send the last known values before being ready.

and last, are there any plans to include Freeze Frames or some of the other values currently not settable like O2 Voltage?


Re: Bug when typing values

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:12 am
by stanley
Will improve the GUI towards that.