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Older Kit #3

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:42 am
by pcvinsel
I purchased a Kit #3 back in May and it's a little different from what you are now selling as Kit #3. It's got an ADK, a Mega Sensor Shield that's used to connect the i2c OBD-II & the 5hz GPS on Serial2. It also has a 2.8" LCD shield with an SD card slot. To get the SD card to work I had to change the card.init() and SD.begin() calls to include the SD slot on the LCD shield does not use the normal Mega SPI pins but instead uses the UNO SPI pins of 10,11,12 & 13. That seemed a bit odd to me since I couldn't find any version of source code that would have worked with what was sent to me with-out this modification.

Back when I was working on this in early June, I was able to get it partially working but I got caught up with other projects and I'm just now returning to look at it again. When I try to get the most recent source code (dated 20140907) working with the SD card changes, I now don't seem to have any access to either the OBD or GPS. The ACC comes up with a green check so I'm assuming I have some i2c communication. Are there other things I need to change in the current source code to be able to use it?


Re: Older Kit #3

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:15 pm
by stanley
To use the SD socket on the LCD shield, you need to enable software SPI. Check this out:,65918.0.html