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Getting different data from SD and over Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:58 am
by gdpwork
Hi, I'm working with an Android project which reads over Bluetooth what the Freematics OBD II adapter v2 is sending. What's weird is that I can see the logged data into the SD different from what I can see when I read it in Android.

What I can see in SD card is something like:




And when I read the stream in Android I get something like this:



To read the stream in Android I'm using something like:

Code: Select all

  protected void readRawData(InputStream in) throws IOException {
      byte b = 0;
      StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();

      while ((char) (b = (byte) != '\n') {
          res.append((char) b);

So, over Bluetooth I'm not seeing the time since the previous read and many times I move the knob in the OBD emulator (v1) and the value I get over Bluetooth doesn't change (it changes in the logged values in the SD card)

Why is the difference? How can I make them the same?

Re: Getting different data from SD and over Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:51 am
by stanley
The streaming data does not include the timestamp which is the first number in every line of data in logged file.