Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

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Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

Post by jeby »

Good morning,

I'm really interested in buying a Freematics kit #3 with 10Hz GPS, I'm wondering if is possible to use it as a live lap timer, displaying current lap and best lap live on the screen.
I'm thinking about some phisical button to activate the function and switch the view on the screen, but I'm very n00b about Arduino, so first of all I'm asking if is it possible, and then if someone already attempted to do it :)
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Re: Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

Post by stanley »

Surely you can do that with the kit by obtaining and keeping the GPS coordinates of the start point and detect the passing of that point. Physical buttons are handy for in-vehicle operation. They can be connected via LCD shield's spare Serial connector (can be used for digital I/O) or I2C connector (can be used for analog input).
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Re: Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

Post by miles »

Hi, I'm also interested in this as a track day lap timer.

Is there any existing software available to map the track layout and display live lap times (and history)?

Alternately would it be possible to somehow link this device with an existing android application (eg RaceChrono)?
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Re: Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

Post by stanley »

This kit is very suitable for a lap timer. We are currently collaborating with iLapTimer App and it is possible we will work out a sketch for a professional lap timer soon.
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Re: Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

Post by tanner »

Hi Stanley, did anything come to fruition regarding a sketch for lap timer?
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Re: Pre-buy question: kit #3 as live lap timer?

Post by stanley »

Unfortunately, we don't have time to spare on a specific application like a racing laptimer. All we are focusing now is improving hardware and library, so people can evolve their own applications more easily.
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