Can not upload SW

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Can not upload SW

Post by damjani »


I have tried uploading few different examples from github (freematics-master -> firmware_v5). At the begginning it was
successful. After few attempts I get error

avrdude.exe: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude.exe: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xfb

and I can not upload anything.

What do you suggest? Can it be fixed or I send the HW back?
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Re: Can not upload SW

Post by stanley »

Please note V5 (Freematics ONE+) is not AVR based but ESP32 based. Apparently you are uploading to a AVR target (avrdude is the AVR uploader).
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Re: Can not upload SW

Post by vk5bd »

Hello damjani,
You will find that there is a pull down marked Target, this keeps going back to "Freematics One" instead of "Freematics One +", just check that it is correct before you press the build or com buttons.
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