Hello, can i ask for help?
I have »Freematics OBD-II UART Adapter V2« and I would like read PID_ENGINE_OIL_TEMP. But this PID does not work with my car. I got instructions how can I read this data, but instructions are for ELM327. Freematics otherwise support ELM327 command-set interface, but how to send this specific data written bellow? Which commands should I use?
»For this ECU, the
request for estimated oil temperatue is 22 19 4F, the reply
looks like 62 19 4F XX YY, the temp. is calculated as:
(XX*0x100 + YY) < 0x8000 ? (XX*0x100 + YY) : (XX*0x100 + YY
- 0x10000) Deg.C
You need to start a diagnostic session with the engine ECU
first. If you are using ELM327, set the CAN 500k/29 bit
protocol, receiver address ATCRA 18DAF110, header ATSH
DA10F1, and issue 10 03. If diagnostic session starts
successfully you should receive 50 03. After that, take
care to send 3E 00 every 1-2 sec to keep the session open,
and send the requests for data like 22 19 4F.«
oil temperatue
Re: oil temperatue
Not all cars report that PID.